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Divine Blessing and the Fullness of Life in the Presence of God

William R. Osborne


“He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things” Romans 8:32 As Christians, “blessing” pervades our everyday lives—from testimonies recounting God’s provision, to praise songs, to wishing someone well. The term has been so integrated into our everyday vocabulary that it is rarely considered carefully. Many people think that blessing is described as either physical (Genesis 1:22) or spiritual (Ephesians 1:3), but a fuller biblical-theological approach reveals that God’s blessing has always been physical, spiritual, and—ultimately—relational. Unpacking this pattern throughout redemptive history, William Osborne shows that divine blessing is not just a good gift here or there, but the fullness of all we were created to be, in relationship with our Creator.

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